
Tabernas is a municipality, with amongst other things a village, a castle, the largest European solar energy - the Plataforma Solar de Almeria,  a desert as well as landscapes normaly seen in other parts of the world which is why the movie companies has made films here giving the ilussion that it was Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Africa, Arabia and more. A part of its territory belongs to the Sierra de Alhamilla Natural Beauty Spot, with its rich vegetation susch as  holm oak wood and reafforested pine woods.

The name probably comes from Thabernax, a place where the troops were provided for in a large number of inns and taverns

Settlements has bee found in the municiplaity that can date back to prehistoric times  (2850-1950 BC)

There are 3 filmsets: Oasys, Western Leone and Fort Bravo Texas Hollywood  Tabernas - Turismo de cine

On you way to & from the filmsets, Los Albardinales is an excelent place to have a great lunch (3 course menes or al la carte), as well as buying Olive oil and other products from there farm. Checkout the webpage for more ino.

Ctra. N-340 Km 474, 04200 Tabernas (Almería) (GPS: 37.071157,-2.365038)
Tel.: 950 61 17 07 / Fax 950 61 18 32 /